Let us remind you, that 2 pikes, 3 zanders and 5 perch were counted towards Lake Challenge overall score. Till the last moment we did not know who was to be the winner of the series. After the first two events Daniel Celeda was a leader, however he could feel eyes on his back all the time, as quite a few contestants were right behind him. At that point, everything was possible, but eventually Daniel proved to be a real Perch Pro Champion and won the competition. It was his second victory, as he was also the winner of Zander Cap.
It was almost as we had arranged it with someone up there, as only during the official ceremony the rain stopped and allowed us to honour all best anglers of the competition. Once Perch Pro prizes were received and honoured with a great applause, we then moved to the Lakes Challenge lottery.
Dan Closter could not believe his luck, when his name was pulled out of the lottery machine! “ River Ebro Villa” sponsored a 7 days trip to Spain for 2 guests and unforgettable fishing experience by River Ebro.
Dan was not the only lucky man that day. James Potts PAA Member and the winner of Westin Lottery took home a brand new, beautiful, spinning fishing rod.
The most exciting moment of the day was still yet to come- Lakes Challenge finals. It would be a lie if we said, we did not see it coming, as Daniel Celeda won the series with 522 points. The second prize went to Marcin Janaszkiewicz with 505 points. The third on the podium was Andy Dugan with 412 points.

Let’s do not forget about those who missed the podium by just a few points. Congratulations to Thom Hunt who took the 4th place with 406 points and Bogdan Pascaru who finished on the 5th place with 397 points. The biggest pike of the Lake Challenge belonged to Paweł Swat (105cm), the biggest zander was caught by Marcin Janaszkiewicz( 81cm) and of course, the biggest Perch( 49cm) was a pride of Bogdan Pascaru.
I can not say thank you enough to our sponsor for all their fantastic prizes and support.Massive thank you to all of you, who made this event happen: Marcin Szymborski, Jarek Biszczuk, Grzegorz Biernat, Thom Hunt, and Polish Anglers Association team. Many thanks to all Anglian Water Rengers Crew. Thank you to all contestants for an amazing competition, for always following the rule of fair play, for your constant smile and positive energy during the whole series.
Thank you!
Adrian Grycendler
Full standings available here.
Pike Challenge standings available here.